Roomba Tank
CSC 460 Project 3
uart.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


void Roomba_UART_Init (void)
void Roomba_Send_Byte (uint8_t)
unsigned char Roomba_Receive_Byte (void)
void Roomba_Send_String (char *)
void Bluetooth_UART_Init (void)
void Bluetooth_Send_Byte (uint8_t)
unsigned char Bluetooth_Receive_Byte (void)
void Bluetooth_Send_String (char *)

Function Documentation

unsigned char Bluetooth_Receive_Byte ( void  )

Receives 1 byte from bluetooth

Definition at line 83 of file uart.c.

void Bluetooth_Send_Byte ( uint8_t  data_out)

Sends 1 byte over bluetooth

Definition at line 73 of file uart.c.

void Bluetooth_Send_String ( char *  string_out)

Sends a string of characters over bluetooth

Definition at line 93 of file uart.c.

void Bluetooth_UART_Init ( void  )

Initializes UART 1, sets baud rate to 19.2k, enables transmitter and receiver, 8 bit data

Definition at line 56 of file uart.c.

unsigned char Roomba_Receive_Byte ( void  )

Receives 1 byte from the Roomba

Definition at line 37 of file uart.c.

void Roomba_Send_Byte ( uint8_t  data_out)

Sends 1 byte to the Roomba

Definition at line 27 of file uart.c.

void Roomba_Send_String ( char *  string_out)

Sends a string of characters to the Roomba

Definition at line 47 of file uart.c.

void Roomba_UART_Init ( void  )

Initializes UART 3, sets baud rate to 19.2k, enables transmitter and receiver, 8 bit data

Definition at line 10 of file uart.c.